Jackie Robinson West Stripped of Little League World Series Title, and Title Goes to Mountain Ridge Little League from Las Vegas; Parents: Murdered American Aid Worker Kayla Mueller Spent Life Working for Others; Police Charge Craig Stephen Hicks with Shooting Deaths of 3 Muslim Students at UNC at Chapel Hill • WED FEB 11, 2015 7:49 AM CT
BREAKING: Jackie Robinson West stripped of Little League World Series title, ESPN reports http://t.co/3DAotnjdrR pic.twitter.com/LKRiXKwVFk
— ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago) February 11, 2015
Parents: Murdered American aid worker Kayla Mueller spent her life working for others: http://t.co/chclGY6VEf pic.twitter.com/zkoxaEGceO
— ABC News (@ABC) February 11, 2015
A man has been charged w/murder in the shooting death of 3 Muslim students http://t.co/xAJubyv18F #ChapelHillShooting pic.twitter.com/cffp8e2qUv
— CNN (@CNN) February 11, 2015
Calls for donations in honour of #ChapelHillShooting to keep up victims' charity work http://t.co/nrpWfr4Otk pic.twitter.com/uKeyCohWaU
— The Independent (@Independent) February 11, 2015
Our prayers are with the families of the #ChapelHillShooting Deah Barakat, Yusor&Razan AbuSalha.
#MuslimLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/cSaViBeztG
— Abbas Sarsour (@iFalasteen) February 11, 2015
Geographic Cheaters: "After an extensive review of the operations of Jackie Robinson West Little League and Illinois District 4, the Little League International Charter/Tournament Committee has determined that the Jackie Robinson West Little League and Illinois District 4 Administrator knowingly violated Little League International Rules and Regulations by placing players on their team who did not qualify to play because they lived outside the team's boundaries," a Little League news release says. The team allegedly used a falsified boundary map for their 2014 tournament. JRW's Great Lakes Regional championship has also been stripped. The Evergreen Park Athletic Association, another South Side league investigated the team's records. |
After humanitarian work in India, areas affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and in the US at an HIV/AIDS clinic and women's shelter; Kayla Mueller traveled to Turkey in December 2012 to help Syrian refugees. She was captured by ISIS eight months later. Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19 -- husband, wife, and sister shot dead. |
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