
Showing posts from October, 2024

American University professor Dr. Allan Lichtman 'Election Nostradamus' predicts

 Strong critic of Donald Trump ...  “This year, I think I have a flock of crows in my stomach. Of course I’m anxious. Not because of the polls, but primarily because I’m worried about the future of this country.” -- Dr. Alan Lichtman Polls for Trump are slightly ahead of Harris, but Lichtman is steadfast for Democrats Election ‘Nostradamus’ stands by Harris win prediction: 'Flock of crows in my stomach'  - NY Post

Fake Video: Black and white creature and dog fighting in the street

Facebook reel   reel showing a creature fighting with a dog in the street, while people are watching.  Notice there are no hind legs on the black-and-white creature until the end of the video. 83.7K thumbs up on Thu Oct 24 2024 at 12:40 PM CDT. 6.1K comments 3.8K shares Video posted by Ando Cladio Seran  Facebook Ando Claudio Seran  ... says he's from Kupang Kupang - Google Maps  - Indonesia